The mundane transcends its simplicity, engaging in a dialogue with the beholder that questions the very essence of perception and representation.
A stark, almost surgical dissection of space, where a blue cloth hangs, its folds a silent testament to the invisible forms beneath. This interplay of the seen and unseen forms a visual tension, a questioning of what lies beyond the superficiality of the draped form.

Delves further into this enigmatic narrative, where the chaotic tumble of sheets on a bed speaks to the disorder beneath the veneer of domesticity.
The play of light and shadow, and the nuanced gradation of tones, all serve to embolden the image’s silent narrative.

The juxtaposition of disposable materials a helmet, a box, and tangled clothes—creates a portrait of abandonment. Yet, there is an undeniable aesthetic, a certain harmony achieved through disorder, invoking a reflection on the value we ascribe to objects within our visual field.

Each piece becomes a psychological tableau, a visual essay on the nature of the every day, staring at the perceptions that seem to ask us to look, and then look again, at the scenery.

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo

Francesco De Prezzo  Francesco De Prezzo